NextGen Estimating™ :
NextGen Estimating work process and the Interactive Reports are clear differentiators in professional estimating services provided by any organization today.
Superiority of PPEI’s NextGen Estimating™
Industry Standard EstimatingStatic and limited Estimate Reports:
PPEI's NextGen Estimating™Dynamic and Interactive Estimate Reports:
Client stakeholder needs barely addressed:
Every stakeholder need aligned and documented:
Many EPCs use their own format for Estimate Summary and Code of Accounts:
Client summary formats and details are mapped to NextGen COA for seamless creation in client
Control base estimate recast to cost control tool is done later by force fitting:
Control base estimate is recast to client cost control format instantaneously by code mapping created at the beginning:
Site man-hour inputs to Construction Planning
Site man-hours by Construction Work Package (CWP) and by Prime Account is provided much ahead of time:
Hands off approach with Engineering & MTO generation:
NextGen Estimating process engages proactively with engineering:
MTO Allowances – Typically one or two
Stratefied MTO Allowances:
Interactive reports generated dynamically
Over 100 Estimate Reports for review, analysis and planning
Estimate Report allows multiple selections for filtering
Reports can be modified or new reports generated immediately or within hours
Custom dashboard with multiple reports and data visuals
Meticulous Planning & Alignment
Various stakeholder needs documented and addressed
Facilitate production of more complete MTOs
Stratified MTO Allowances and Rationale
Execution Basis documented
Detailed Estimate Plan
Well-documented basis
Seamless transition from Estimate to Control Base
Code mapping for Summary Report Formats
Breakdown by WBS, RFQ and by Contract
Secure Cloud Platform
Projects set up on Amazon Web Server (AWS) with access control
Secure File Transfer Protocol
Current project files and estimate status on web style interface
Data security features
NextGen Estimating:
NextGen Estimating work process and the Interactive Reports are clear differentiators in professional estimating services provided by any organization today.
Superiority of PPEI’s NextGen Estimating™
Interactive reports generated dynamically
Over 100 Estimate Reports for review, analysis and planning
Estimate Report allows multiple selections for filtering
Reports can be modified or new reports generated immediately or within hours
Meticulous Planning & Alignment
Various stakeholder needs documented and addressed
Facilitate production of more complete MTOs
Stratified MTO Allowances and Rationale
Seamless transition from Estimate to Control Base
Secure Cloud Platform
Projects set up on Amazon Web Server (AWS) with access control
Secure File Transfer Protocol
Current project files and estimate status on web style interface
Data security features